Update for our Crowdfunding Campaign Donors
Thank you once again for warmly donating to our crowdfunding campaign for childhood brain cancer.
We are very pleased to confirm that, even though we did not hit our original fundraising targets, we raised sufficient funds to be able to run the first stage of laboratory testing of our potential drug repurposing candidates for Medulloblastoma.
The project with the Texas Children Hospital, is underway and we are expecting to see results by the end of 2018. We are delighted with the work so far and the results are showing a promising compound which we are hoping can progress to the next stage of testing.
We would like to thank once again all the campaign donors. Our gratitude, behalf of children with brain cancer, goes to (random order):
Deepika Kassen, Roberta Pal, Nora Miskolczi, Craig Smith, Libbie Read, Nagy Máté, Claire Rowan, Krishna Bulusu, Nadezda Kovalevskaya, Delia Perry, Alicja Malysiak, Zoe Binner, Jeremy Harrod, Heather Ellam, Helen Fox, Alessia Uslenghi, Jo Balfour, Claire Leprevost, Mark Woodbridge, William Eaton, Graham Archer, Christopher Copland, Angelo Ricci, Graziella Miduri, Beate Wulff, Sandra Gass, Jean Laugel, Paul Lammers, Richard Jones, Kristin Liezenga, Rowan Deacon, Luca Emili, Véronique Vidal, Salvatore Valenti, Philip Hall, Yolanda and Marion Augustin. Mirco Tonin, Antonio Drolapas, Florim Maxharraj, Iraklis Evangelinos, Jackie McCallum, Terence Smith, Csilla Andreko, Caroline d'Auria, Caroline d'Auria, Balázs Sepsey, Attila Csongrady, Martin Knorr, Ute Jacobi, Angelo Grampa, Rowan Deacon, Richard Shaw, Pál Jalsovszky, Gianluca Alicino, Laura Turner, Joanne Taylor, Kinga Novak, Jonathan Milner, Dominique Laugel, Peter Crofts, Augustine O'Donnell, Richard Smith, Monica Mota, Dan Mason, Jeffrey Skolnik, Michael Mathias, Deborah Binner, Patrick Lynch, Fiona Nielsen, Pál Sass, Claudio Angione, Jason Mogg, Daniel O'Donovan, Katalin Tóth, Daniel Torsher, Narissa Gipp, Zsuzsa Andrékó, Akos Nagy, Kristof Ferenczi, Tim Guilliams, Rakesh Gupta, Evgenia Mengou, Anne Goeres
Thank you from the aPODD team.