aPODD Foundation

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2018 - Our most successful year so far! Thanks to you

Dear Friends

On behalf of the aPODD team, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support in 2018. Whether you are a donor, partner or a researcher you have all contributed to making 2018 our most successful year so far.

Some of our key highlights are

  • In September we launched our new website, allowing us to keep our supporters updated on the latest developments and help us kick start our fundraising.  

  • Our two drug repurposing projects have made good progress during 2018. These projects are investigating new treatments for neuroblastoma and medulloblastoma and the work so far has identified 10 drugs which have been predicted could be effective to treat these cancers. We are now testing these drugs in the lab and we’re hoping to have some results in the new year.  

  • During 2018 our Trustees have attended many conferences, presenting on topics ranging from why children should have access to adult clinical trials to showcasing the work we do and why our approach will get new treatments to children quicker and faster that traditional drug discovery.

  • We have been actively involved with the ACCELERATE working group supporting their FAIR trials campaign. The aim of which is to make the age of entry into adult clinical trials more flexible. This will allow adolescents to be enrolled in adult trials, only where it makes sense from medical point of view and it would not be feasible to run separate paediatric trials. This change would provide quicker access to innovative drugs for younger patients. For more information visit the ACCELERATE website.

As we now look forward to 2019, we have many exciting plans for the new year. These include starting a new crowdfunding campaign to raise money for our new projects. We are also excited to be working with Rare Revolution Magazine, whose focus is on supporting rare and orphan disease charities. Giving charities a platform to share their aims and achievements.

So on behalf of all the Trustees of aPODD and myself thank you for all your support and we look forward to seeing what we can achieve together in 2019.

With best wishes

Cesare Spadoni

Chair of aPODD Trustees.